Yellowing Leaves on your Lucky Bamboo

The most common factors for yellowing leaves are either too much sunlight; and/or too salty or heavily-fluoridated tap water. It is best to keep the bamboo away from sunlight and to use filtered water. To remedy the situation, you can move the arrangement to another location and it does fine in just fluorescent lighting. Avoid watering the top of the shoots and change out the water more frequently. Green food can also be used to help the plant reach its maximum green color and is more effective when the bamboo is just turning pale.

However, in some cases it is normal for some of the leaves to turn yellow due to natural aging of the bamboo. Simply peel or cut the unwanted leaves off so that new ones can grow and replace. Do not leave yellowing leaves on until they turn brown or black since it can spread decay to other parts of the bamboo.

To download a PDF file on bamboo care, please follow this link: